Remembering and Honoring those who serve "Double Duty"

I'm not quite sure what my inspiration was to write this, but the more I thought about it I thought to myself, as Firefighters we are really good at remembering our countries veterans and we are really passionate about remebering our fallen brothers ans sisters in the Fire Service but, I haven't seen much where we really truly honor those who are our nations True Heros, Those who serve "Double Duty".
The more I thought about this subject I started to realize how many people I know that serve " Double Duty". My friend Sean Baney U.S. Navy Attached to Weapons Comany of the Marine Corps, as a corpsman and is a volunteer with the Rossford Fire Department. On my small volunteer department we have two Men that I know of and I am sure there were many more who are no longer with us, Our Assistant Chief Dan Caris served two tours in Iraq, Dave Otte U. S Navy, and as I write this Firefighter Randy Aspacher is getting ready to spend a year away from his family heading for Iraq, both men with the U.S. Army. Now for my family. My great uncle Marcus "Mike" Schnitker who served in the
U.S. Army and was a member of the Woodville Volunteer Fire Department. My cousin Bob Schnitker who served in the U. S. Air Force and was a member of My Department, Troy Township Volunteer Fire Department. And last but certainly not least of all My Brother. MSgt. Timothy "Tim" Schnitker Who Enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps and did one tour during Operation Desert Storm and now is with the U. S. Air Force and has served in Iraq, When Tim was 18 he joined the Marine Corps. To serve our Counrty and to be one of the Few and the Proud. When he came home from boot camp he got Married and Joined the Woodville Volunteer Fire Dept. which he is still a member of. Eventually Tim wanted to follow his dream of being a career Firefighter so he switched from the Marine Corps to the Air Force and became a full time firefighter with the Ohio Air National Gaurd. Currently he is serving as Fire Chief of the 180th Fighter Wing and is still a volunteer in Woodville. He may be my younger brother but he truly is my hero. All of these which I mentioned are our Heros, and should be recognized as such. Please Please feel free to comment on my blog and ad the names of those who you know serve "Double Duty" and are your heros.
As Always Be Safe, and Everybody Goes Home.

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Comment by Anthony Bernal on May 24, 2009 at 3:57pm
I serve double duties, as a soldier and a volunteer firefighter and EMT - Basic. I have served twice in Afghanistain and once in Iraq. Earning several awards including the Bronze Star. But it is becouse those that did not get to come home with us, and those who serve before me in the conflicts that I can do this. They are the true heroes. SPC Vue, 1LT Price, SSG Koele all of the brothers that did not get to come home with my assigned units. Being from the area that you are from (Northwood Ohio) I understand there are many that do both duties. There is no such words or acions to repay people who do this. As I currently serve on active duty in Virginia, I still find time to do the additional duty. All I can say is THANK YOU to all those who SERVE!
Comment by David Schnitker on May 24, 2009 at 2:50pm
Some men that I forgot in my original post. Bob Sergent U.S. Army, Jim Sergent, U.S Army, Alan Sanders U.S Army Vietnam, all of the Pemberville Freedom Fire dept.
Comment by Ben Waller on May 24, 2009 at 2:02pm
I serve with several "Double Duty" firefighters.

A sailor who has served a tour in Iraq and a tour in Afghanistan.
A soldier who has been recommended for a Bronze Star for his actions in combat in Iraq.
A sailor/corpsman who did a tour in Desert Storm and who was instrumental in establishing the Wounded Warrior project for Marines and Sailors at Camp Pendleton a few years ago.
Numerous other soldiers, sailors, and Marines who have served our country bravely and well.

Thank you for your service, gentlemen.

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