Rebel or Revolutionary - You Make the Choice

With all of the change going on in the atmosphere, I was contemplating the difference between being a rebel and a revolutionary. It seems to me that there are plenty of firefighters who are a little mixed up and don't understand the difference. The problem is that while revolutionaries effect change in a situation, rebels simply refuse to obey.

Why should that matter? When we are agitating for change in our current situation, being a revolutionary suggests turning or moving, which is hopefully a positive thing. Rebelling doesn't suggest anything positive at all. I know firefighters who think that their rebellious actions suggest something courageuous or heroic, where I am suggesting that those individuals aren't any of that at all. In fact, many of the "rebels" I have encountered are resisting change for good because it upsets their version of the status quo.

If you are pushing against the status quo in order to make positive change, you are sure to meet with resistance from those who are comfortable in that little rut they have dug. Anything you may do to move them from it is going to be perceived as threatening to their happiness and they may lash out at you. They are not going to understand your motives or they may not want to understand. Things may even get dangerous, for your career or for you personally.

The winds of change are blowing and we can either flex with them and survive, or resist them and be broken off at the trunk. We in emergency services need to understand our entire environment and be revolutionaries, to think about things in ways we never thought of them before, for the good of our profession.

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Comment by Ben Waller on November 6, 2008 at 9:15pm
Dunno, Mick...sometimes one man's rebel is another man's revolutionary. King George III was apparently unable to differentiate between the two. The other thing about rebellions or revolutions is that the percieved need for said rebellion or revolution boils down to how the ruler treats his/her subjects.

Fire chiefs tend toward the despotic, even though a lot of them are benevolent despots.
That tends to keep the troops happy, so they percieve no need for either rebellion or revolution.

If the ruler percieves either rebellion or revolution, the next step is often "Off with their heads", and the percieved need for a Dr. Guillotine to join the rulers' inner circle.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on November 6, 2008 at 12:17am
Rebellion can get you killed in this business. Nothing wrong with putting revolutionary ideas out there....we'd still be running around in tall boots and 3/4 length coats if someone hadn't pushed the limits, but harkening back to Art's post about respect in the fire service, there has to be some semblance of order amidst the chaos and the personal agendas.

And.....if it weren't for revolutionaries, I'm pretty sure we'd all be celebrating the Queen's next birthday in grand fashion.

Nice piece Mick.

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