Now that I am working emergency response full-time, I have noticed something that I haven't seen in a long while. I've been working 9 - 5 (basically) since mustering out of the Marine Corps. A few years ago I began volunteering as a firefighter and EMT. Now full-time as an EMT, I have noticed that the "atmosphere" is basically the same as when I was on Active-Duty - we're dragging through stretches of complete boredom, punctuated by brief periods of excitement. (The original quote is for "sheer terror", but that's not the case currently because I'm not facing armed opposition and dodging munitions anymore.)
I am again polishing my boots, pressing my uniform, and cleaning equipment and buildings over and over waiting for the alert for action.

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Comment by greg on October 23, 2009 at 10:52pm
Turn that boredom into something. Do some tabletop drills or do some Q&A . Dont let the boredom get you down.I did the 24 & 48s for years and I finally found things to get me going. Even though you not going threw sheer terror, you will face situations that will bring body alive so to speak. Dont be fooled though, terror can be right around the corner. I have had a few close calls that made the heart skip a beat or two. So use that boredom to prepare..

p.s. Thank you for serving this great country!

Comment by Rusty Mancini on October 22, 2009 at 11:51am
Kinda like going back to your roots, Only now your facing, communicable diseases, dodging idiot drivers, responding to a call, or standing out in traffic (wreck scenes.) I know it's not the same" sheer terror" thing, but it sounds like your ready for your call of duty!

So keep your boots polished and your uniform stiff and straight, because the boredom wont last long!

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