We have had this 2500 LPM pumper operational for less than a month and it finally got a run at a decent job that required a lot of water. It was a massive potato processing shed full of wooden crates and God knows what else. One water source located 200 meters away and a whole lot or rural tankers with crew that don't know how a pumper works. Around us tankers roll as first attack as water can be located few and far between. So we weren't called till around 30 minutes after the job started. We took around 25-30 minutes to arrive and were immediately hooked into 2 lines coming from a pumper halfway up the hill which was being fed by a mini pumper on the dam which had no hope of ever keeping up with the 2 of us. So before we got there we were almost doomed completely. But, we set up and started to do our thing trying to feed water all over the place. This shouldn't happen but people saw the new hose and started to drag it out before we could do anything. And the newbie operator didn't really know what to do but did a good job with what he was given even if the pump was running with negative pressure coming in.
I donned BA and took over an exterior defensive line protecting a valuable piece of equipment in one third of the shed, eventually i got asked to do an interior attack with another FF and did so till my low air whistle went off. After this i got asked to take over the pump and proceeded to slowly adjust things to get it back into the positive pressure range. There were people constantly trying to take more water than we had coming in eventually we got a 3rd line coming in and started to have water to spare and then another pumper arrived and took over from the mini pumper at the dam which made everything work properly and the fire got stopped saving a large quantity of diesel fuel and other machinery.

I am happy to answer questions about this job.

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Comment by Andrew Salinger on January 27, 2011 at 7:31am
yeah this job wasn't even in our neighboring stations first due. We have learned so much more about the truck now how it works what you can do with it and all that, and that if needed we get angry to stop people messing with it. We have also decided that if we are called to another thing similar to this then we will take over the water supply to other appliances and not just rely on what the FF's on scene think is best, because generally around here they don't know what will work best.
Comment by Marty Hrinko on January 26, 2011 at 9:18pm
That happened to us with our new KME Pumper, its first fire was out of town, but was only used for a water supply...Its two first fires in town we pulled up first and it did all the major pumping that needed to be done. Kinda sucked that it's actual first was not even in oyr first due:(

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