( I took a nearly 7 mi bike ride today and the following is an expanded ed. of my part of an IM conversation I had with a friend about it.)
I miss the regular bike riding I use to do...lol. I lived in town for 4+ years going to school and at the least the sidewalks were ok to ride on yearround if not the street. At least I thought so even when there was frost on everything. Because even when I couldn't walk to class I could ride. Now I live back home and I'm 10 miles from anything on curvy, hilly country paved and unpaved roads. most of the paved roads have stripes on them but not all.
It's hard not having as safe a place to ride....even today I got passed by a car about 1-2 ft away.... they scare the stuffing out of me when they do that. I should not be able to reach out and touch them as they pass and I refuse to ride on the shoulder of our shoulderless roads, especially in the winter.
Because I really don't have a death wish....I like living.....at least enough most of the time I want to see what tomorrow has in store, if God lets me stay to see it.
Even when things suck....like when your life gets turned upside down and messed up.......things can get worse tomorrow....but they can get better too. so......
But not everyone thinks that way so one has to deal with other peoples choices when life sucks whether that includes divorce (not much you can do but still try to be friends).....attempted suicide (have a couple friends who have tried, those are people I drop everything for when they call) ......
but hey tomorrow is another day and God willing, will be better than today.

Post Script. I like to help people. That's why I got involved in EMS and Fire. My friends and family ARE my family. I'll do most anything to help them. but I won't condone stupid stuff. From either.

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Comment by Bill Muehsam on December 6, 2008 at 9:22pm
Great blog, PR. Any day that God allows you to wake up to, is a good one!!!!!!!

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