Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...December 22, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

This is Tuesday, right?

Sunday was our Santa Run and my body still hasn't recovered. I rode on the back of a trailer in gear after our foot of snow the night before, handing out candy canes to families who came out of their homes. We also were met with many happy dogs who were tossed a biscuit by our energetic Brian!

Santa was in style this year in a brand new sleigh donated by the Butterworth Association. They put it on the trailer and the children from the Association decorated it. What a sight when dusk fell and the lights came on it. All the time we were following Ladder 422. I got to sit in the cab for a short time (only 30 minutes) and have been paying for it ever since!!!!

I would not trade the bruises at the back of my legs from the trailer metal, nor the arm which is killing me, for anything in the world. All worth it!

This may seem silly but any women reading this won't think so...I feel it is important for girls to see women firefighters. Sometimes I think that later on in life they may think back and say, "Hey if a 48 year old woman could be a firefighter so could I." Maybe a bit too idealistic, hmm?

And to all you guys who didn't join us - you really missed out on one of the best things we get to do in the community.

Merry Christmas everyone and a very happy new decade.

Love Denise Broesler
NJ Rookie Firefighter

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Comment by Bob Allard on December 24, 2009 at 4:50pm
Good for you, glad to hear when there is a women firefighter doing something for her community, it has always been men as long as I have been in the fire services, have taught alot of women in firefighter 1 & 2.

Way to go, just don't over do it to try and prove yourself if you know what I mean, cause there are guys that will say women can't do the job, see many men fall out of FF 1 & 2 and yes many do pass.

So yea and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Comment by Denise Imperiale on December 23, 2009 at 9:56pm
Thank you Jerri - you also
Comment by Jerri Rae Bourque on December 23, 2009 at 9:55pm
Merry Christmas Denise!! Keep up the great work!!
Comment by Denise Imperiale on December 23, 2009 at 9:44pm
You are toooo funny! It's my NEW turn out gear. Got it about 2 months ago. Finally with a zipper and loop and a clasp. You had to see me before! And can't take the label off. I would get in big trouble. LOL Old Pass alarm too but who's complaining. LOL
Comment by Paul Montpetit on December 23, 2009 at 9:42pm
Nice job...but I have a question....when are you going to get that turn-out gear dirty...? LOL Might want to take the labels off it......(sorry couldn't help myself)...Have fun keep up the good work....Paul
Comment by Ben Waller on December 22, 2009 at 11:55pm
Nice job, sister. If you're going to be a role model, do it when it's not comfortable. Strong work.

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