My husband is going to be graduating from EMT school in october and after that heading into being a firefighter. As the day gets closer I have found myself having terrible nightmares about things that could happen to him. I'm terrified at the thought of losing him. We have 2 small children (3 &1) And I have been having dreams of them growing up without a father :( I wonder if the dreams wil fade eventually, maybe they are just coming because he is fixing to graduate. I hope that once he is on the job my mind will ease up.

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Comment by Melissa Henry on August 26, 2009 at 8:17pm
You cant live being scared on if he comes home or not. I have been seeing a Career Rescue Tech for 3 years and sometimes I worry about him but I know that he is very well trained and dam good at his job. You just have to have faith in him and his training. And make sure you get to meet his crew when he gets into his station. Talking to them and seeing how much they care about each other may help ease your mind. They arent gonna let the rookie take any undue risks he's going to be like the little brother...yeah they will tease him but when it comes to the job they will look after him just like he will look after them.

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