The LTBHMFS is proud to
announce that Firefighter Survival as one of our courses for 2011.
Annually, Firefighters are killed on the fireground in situations that
could have been resolved through training. This intense, physical, hands
on training is a must for any interior attack firefighter.

    The Firefighter Survival course will give you some tools to use if
you find yourself lost, trapped, disoriented, cut off by fire, caught
by collapse, entangled in wire, etc. This class will require a firm
grasp on the use of SCBA and will push you mentally and physically. 
Full PPE including SCBA are required.

    In the heat of battle, when things go wrong, you will rely on
instinct….which is really your training. You will make a decision. This
Firefighter Survival training will give you the options to make the
RIGHT decision to ensure everyone goes home.

For more information and updates check out our web site


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