
im 19yrs old live in ohio just got my 240 card a few months ago. I have not applied for a dept. yet but ive been thinking about it. I’ve been really nervous I just feel like I have forgotten a lot from school. I took my fire class a t tolles tech a trade school in plain city ohio. 6 month class 3 days a week. I know I need to get a job I’m currently working at a bar as a bouncer and making little to no money. I still live at my parent’s house and want to move out within the next two years. I don’t have a load of confidence, but I love the fire service and what I got to do while I was in school was amazing and fun. Does anyone have any advice for me or anything I could do to change the way I feel?


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Comment by Ryan Howland on May 13, 2010 at 12:10am
hey man when is the next miami valley fire alliance??? i know its been a while since ive been on here.
Comment by Brian on February 2, 2009 at 9:33pm
I know london may be far, but the miami valley( dayton area ) has whats called the miami valley fire alliance..22 fire departments from the area are involved with this. What happens is you sign up,take a written test and a cpat.When you finish that you are put on an eligibility list.Departments that are hiring will send you applications. This list is good for one year. I got a job shortly after completeing this process.Test scores dont matter as long as you pass, if a department is hiring all that passed get an interview..between 15-30 people sign up each time. It is givin every 6 months with one coming up soon..Im part time, but work the 24 on 48 off so its deff enough money to start with.If you have any questions send me a message.Guys from celveland and columbus come down to get in this program.

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