Make Bells Ring from Coast to Coast


Honor our nation’s fallen firefighters with a simple act. Ring bells in your community during the weekend of October 3-4, the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend. Join Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters by holding a small ceremony in your community to recognize heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting us.

Fire departments, places of worship, community organizations and individuals can hold the moment of remembrance at any time during Memorial Weekend. All we are asking is for you to pause for a moment to think of firefighters who died in the line of duty and their families – and to ring a bell.

During that same weekend bells will also be ringing in Emmitsburg, Maryland where many of the survivors of fallen firefighters will witness their loved one’s name being added to the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial.

“Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters is a unique, grass-roots opportunity that’s in its fifth year,” said Chief Ronald J. Siarnicki, executive director of the NFFF. “It allows the public to pay their respects to these brave men and women who served their communities with honor and dignity and it lets their families know their sacrifice has not been forgotten.”

For more information about participating and to download sample invitation letters, press release, graphics and response form, please visit

A complete list of fallen firefighters being honored and a widget to display their information on your website, along with Memorial Weekend related videos, photos, media and broadcast information is available at

Suggestions for a remembrance include: ringing chapel bells, a moment of silence, a brief prayer, a hymn, or tolling a ceremonial bell.

Thousands of people will be in Maryland on that weekend paying tribute to the fallen. Remember, you can do the same in your community.

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