looking for a firetruck(please read this!)

I resigned from the fire department about 2 months ago, i just need a little break and to get my life back on track. Before i resigned we had a wake up call happen on our fire department that we thought would coluld and would never happen in our little town.
E- 42 a crew of 5 was on there way to mva. They were going around a curb and some how the truck ended up on the other side of the road on the officer's side. It totalled the fire truck. I will never forget the response of the community and the fire departments all around us. I was not in the accident but i prayed for the ones that were and now they are all fine, they were very lucky that day because it could have been much worse. They have a loaner fire truck from another department. I try to stay in contact with the chief and some of the others on the department. I would really like to see them have a fire truck for christmas.
They dont want anything brand new, so if you know of any department that has one for sale or know where we can start looking for a reasonable price please let me know. Of course they are trying to stay within a budget like everybody else. I would greatly appreciate this if anybody can help. Even though I am not on the department anymore i would still like to help them out with this. This wreck happened back in july or august. This is the 2nd loaner fire truck they have had. Thank you all so much for what you do and dont forget about our troops, god bless.

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Comment by Joey "BigShow" De Piano on November 27, 2009 at 12:31am
You can try giving our District commissioners a call as we will be getting a new rescue/engine How ever I am not sure WHEN it is due in, but our old 61 will be going, Toms River Fire Dept. Board of Fire Commissioners Toms River NJ, water st. the apparatus is 2561 from company 1 worth a try sorry wish I had more detail info just know that at this time
Comment by Bill Deutsch on November 26, 2009 at 6:23pm
I enthusiastically second the recommendation for Brindlee Mountain Fire Equipment in Alabama. We lost our first out in June and found a replacement from Brindlee. Most of their staff are firefighters. They are bend-over-backwards GREAT on keeping their promises to their customers and serving the Fire Service. Other trustworthy folks in the sales and service sector tell me we got an Engine worth twice what we paid. Best Wishes.
Comment by Brenda-Jean on November 26, 2009 at 2:40pm
thank you all for ideas on this i really do appreciate it.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on November 26, 2009 at 2:28pm
Comment by Don Vuletic on November 26, 2009 at 8:40am
Companytwofire.com has four firetrucks they are willing to donate to a department in need. Contact them and i am sure they will help you out. The trucks are shown on the page. Good Luck.
Comment by Rusty Mancini on November 26, 2009 at 8:36am
Check out Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus their in Alabama. We bought a rescue truck from them and we wouldn't hesitate to purchase from them in the future. Great customer service and they have some good deals. Good luck with your search!

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