I am a 20 year old volunteer firefighter. I have been in the fire service for five years. I have noticed from experience and other ways that a lot of the younger firefighters are the little think they know it all types. I have noticed this about a couple of them. The best thing you can do is listen to the older veteran firefighters on your departments. If you are unsure of something or don't know something don't let your pride get in the way. People get hurt when they are at a lack of knowledge about what they are doing but think they know how to do it. I love talking to the guys that have been on my department for a long time cause they can teach you stuff that will save your life. Listen to them. They are some of the best teachers you will have in your fire service career. Don't just think you know what you are doing make sure you know what you are doing. These Veteran Firefighters will teach you a lot of useful stuff as long as you listen. They are your brothers too. They are always glad to help you with anything. I would like to say thanks to all the Veteran Firefighters for passing on the knowledge. Just remember that one day you will be one of the veterans so treat them how you will want to be treated. God bless our firefighters.

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Comment by Ryan 701 on August 15, 2009 at 12:20am
Nice blog man. I always enjoy learning from the older veterans. They are the first that i go to when iam having trouble anywhere. I am a junior firefighter on a volunteer department and about 99% of the stuff i know is from the older guys passing down the knowledge to me and i appericate them very much.
Stay safe brother.

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