

I just want to write a little something about what the fire service has done for me lately. Right now i am going through alot of personal strife involving divorce. Yes there are kids involved and it makes it that much harder for me. Lets just say I screwed up things pretty badly with my wife and now i am paying for it. About the only thing that is helping me out is the fire service.


Keeping myself busy working shifts at the stations is helping to not go completely mental right now. I love being a firefighter and have so for the last 16yrs. I enjoy my job as a firefighter even when my full time job was eliminated. Now i just work at my paid on call fire depts. I love running calls and helping those in need. Just the other night I arrived first onscene at a full involved house fire. The woman who lived there was trapped in the fenced in backyard with her dogs. It was probably around 0 degrees out with snow on the ground. She had no shoes on so I cut the fence down and got her out of the yard. To me thats pretty exciting stuff. And thats why I do this job.


Right now my life is such a mess. I am so lost, confused, sad, depressed and many other things. About the only thing I have is the fire service, and I thank god for that.

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Comment by Erik Wood on January 31, 2011 at 3:03pm

Divorce....especially with kids involved is never easy. As I am going through one myself I know to some extent how you feel. I find myself relying on my brothers (the guys at my station) more and more for morale support. Even if its just sitting around making fun of each other. Running calls has helped fill the void in one aspect....but also helped create another one.

Keep getting on the truck....it will all work out.

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