and the rest who risk their lives to save others
Once upon a time there were mountain castles
Standing proud against clear blue skies
Surrounded by green majestic forests
Red-tailed hawks and eagles soaring high
There were knights who protected the forest
Valiant knights with senses keen
Brave and strong not in shining armor
Gallant knights all clad in khaki green
Then came a drought and the land was thirsty
Hot dry winds began to blow
An evil knight loosed the waiting Dragon
Breathing fire he set the woods aglow
Fearless knights rushed forth to kill that Dragon
The battle raged both night and day
But the Dragon continued his terrible roar
Breathing fire before him held the knights at bay
Then another Dragon reared its ugly head
And breathed his fire all around
“Join with me!” the first Dragon roared
“As one we will burn this Mountain down!”
Thick black smoke filled the Mountain skies
The sun turned to blood as the forest died
Woodland creatures soon had no homes
But the Dragons hunger was not satisfied
He breathed his fire toward the Mountain Castles
30,000 people fled their homes
Still blew the restless wailing winds
And the Dragon of Disaster roamed
The Mountain’s cry was heard from sea to sea
To kill the fiercest Dragon the land had seen
Their prayers were answered when from far and wide
Came knights all clad in khaki green
Strong knights gathered round that mighty Dragon
And wounded him on every side
They quenched his fire though he roared and screamed
Brave knights held fast as the Dragon died
As the skies cleared and the sun shined bright
The joyful Mountain began to sing
Praises to the knights who protect the forest
Knights all clad in khaki green
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