Just a little proud, Kind of nice to feel as if I am moving my department forward.

My department is still known for things that happened 20 years ago. Not good things such as running out of fuel on the way to the scene and showing without water. There were times when no one knew how to run the pump.

This is not my department now. But it is still how we are thought of. I have been tring to shake this image and it's hard. No matter how many homes we save folks just remember the bad stuff from years ago.

Well the last board meeting I brought cpr training free to the public. We have certified cpr instuctors on the department and they say they can bring more if need be. My community is happy we have already got 30 signed up and have not even started to advertise. The chief says we can buy the books and library them. I am hoping to have a first aid class later in the winter. So I am thinking of making it a yearly event with cpr and alternating it with first aid. It is open to everyone not just are area of response. The firefighters are going to put on a fire extinguisher training. I hope this helps heal are black eye. I hope to be proactive with the community.

I still get mad at my department at times and have felt like giving it up. But I can't change things if I give up. After all it's my home and family that counts on my department.

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on November 30, 2010 at 10:32am
Unfortunately, your description of your department can still fit many of them out there. You describe my fire department from 30 years ago. We have come far since then. One guy can't do it. It takes many who is led by that one person who is willing to put it on the line.
It isn't done overnight. You have to choose wisely where to put your focus and effort. Then, you move to the next level.
You have to keep the community informed. The reason they don't know is because the old guys wanted it that way. They didn't want the public to know, because then, the truth would be out. So; it was a very close and tightknit shroud of secrecy that existed.
Business can't be done like that anymore. You have to have a well organized department that good people are willing to join. That grows the department and eliminates the reliance on a small few.
It sounds like you are on the right track.
It's OK to get frustrated.
Just don't give up.
Comment by Jack/dt on November 30, 2010 at 9:35am
Congratulations. Small towns and small minds are always hard to change, it sounds like you're making progress and evolving from a social club to a professional fire department. Actions speak louder than words, showing the community what you can do, how you do it and how you can help them will eventually erase those bad years.

Hopefully you've brought the rest of the department along with regard to training, NFPA standards and are able to be more *selective* in the people you bring on board, as well as promote. Good luck with all you do there.

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