ISO - he came, he looked around, and he went....

Man, what a let down.
Well, not really.... more like relief.

9am this past Monday morning the ISO guy showed up, as well as 2 reps from the state fire marshall's office. It turned out to be no big deal. Since we're one of 15 districts that make up Santa Fe County Fire, he had all the communications stuff already on file. Our water systems had some improvements, which he would call around about today and tomorrow, and we've really had no major development in our district since the last ISO.

So he asked some questions, and then went into the bays, where we opened everything up for him. He looked at each vehicle (2 engines, 2 tankers and 1 rescue, the rescue is part of the "service company'), stood around and bullshitted with us for a bit, and then left.

Not ONE look at the book that took me close to 50 hours to put together, all nice and organized (big accomplishment for me, as I'm not known for being a paperwork person or for getting anything done on time).

But, we have it. And next time around, all we'll need to do is fill it with current info. So it wasn't all for nothing, I guess. And in the process, we found some things we can do to improve our record-keeping and trainings.

I'm glad i went thru it... learned a lot. I have a much better idea of what it really takes to run a department, a HUGE appreciation for our chief of almost 30 years, who got us to where we are today from close to nothing, and all the work it's going to take to keep us there.

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Comment by Gordon "Gopher" Runer on January 3, 2009 at 4:10pm
Congratulations and a big thank you on behalf of my parents for a job well done!
Comment by lutan1 on December 23, 2008 at 11:44pm
Definitely an anti-climax after your previosu concerns raised! Well done, those quick "surface" audits are great!!!!
Comment by leigh anderson on December 23, 2008 at 9:28pm
that's an awesome story, although, i would have grabbed the little turd and by the collar, right before he left and said in a singsong-fake voice, "oh, but sir, you forgot to look at my wonderful record book! i am so glad you wanted to see it, since it took ME FOREVER to put together, JUST FOR YOU." while i carried his ass into my office! hahahahahahaha you are too cool gal!

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