"Did you know there's a fire department in Heaven?"

I heard Cap say to that sorrowful lad.

The young boy just stared, working over the words he'd just been given.

"Cap..... do you think God's got a spot for my dad?"

Cap smiled, even though you could tell his heart was heavy and said,

"You bet son." As he roughed the hair on the boy's head.

Timmy looked up and his sadness, for now, gone

Cap went on holding back the tears that were trying to fall.

"They've got the biggest, reddest fire trucks you ever saw, and they keep them all clean and ready, just in case they get a call.

Of course they don't get too many, It....

Being Heaven and all.

But God knew this, so right next to them he made,

A great big tree, that puts out lots of shade.

And each day they go on atleast one run,

Down the streets of Heaven, leading the afternoon parade."

That's been years ago now,

And in time, things have changed a lot.

Cap..... he's retired, and I somehow made I to chief.

And Timmy, well..... he's just Tim now, down at station two,

And, one of the finest captains on my crew.

The day came, the worst of any other,

when we must say farewell to a fallen brother.

As the eulogy was told, with tears about to roll.

I watched, as Tim walked over to the hero's son,

And shared wth him some words.... Just as Cap and Tim had once done.....

"Did you know there's a Fire Department in Heaven?"

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Comment by Dwight Mumpower Jr on March 8, 2012 at 11:39pm

Thanks Mike.

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