I have never blogged on the internet before.

I only socially network here on FFN.com and jems.connect.com.

I have posted on view points on training or opinions of ideas, but never on my thoughts.

I'd like to say thank you, and a genuine thank you to everyone who have helped advance my knowledge over the past 10 months or so.....I have been pursuing my FF1...and am within a few months of that now...with my FF essentials being done for about a year, my Haz Mat Ops done, my first aid being negated (in leiu of my NRemt-p)....my in house training for the past 3 years....and our now ongoing FF1 prep course and other classes....I have to say this website alone has increased my knowledge double from just my state training...this site has directly introduced me to so much knowledge from so many experienced FF's and officers from all over the country, as well as introduced me to websites like fireengineering.com and vententersearch.com...which have also introduced me to so many tactics and techniques that i've passed on to others in my dept....

This is such a wonderful site, and I am so gratefule to have come across this site in my travelings....

Thank you so much, to all of you that have contributed to my personal knowledge....

I hope I can perpetuate your knowledge throughout my dept. and county...

Your4 knowledge and posts mean something...somewhere....I promise....

Sincerely and appreciatively,

Jonathan Rea (a.k.a. blair4630)

Hollidaysburg, PA

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