I wanna know if there is anybody that can teach a class on takin pictures at fire scenes and or accidents and how too deal with the media and newspapers???? We hav a fireschool every August and would like a class at the 2010 school in Monroe, Wisc. . Please and Thank You Tim
Tim, I belong to the IFPA, which has a group on here, as well as a full site on the ning network. I will post your question there and see if anyone can help you.
Captain Busy, I am sorry photos with identifiable features of your godson were published in that manner. The debate over what is acceptable to distribute has been going on for a while on this and many other sites related to emergency services photographs. What you CAN do legally and what you SHOULD do morally are not always the same things unfortunately.
it's late where I am right now but I thought I'd at least mention that you don't want to capture license plates or peoples faces due to HIPPA issues now... the public has a right to know and there is freedom of the press but decency needs to be expressed as a value that we follow. had a guy who was writing a book with a ton of various accident photos. one of the photos was my godson who was hit by a drunk driver head on. the memory of those photos still haunt me years later. so, your students need to be discreet, capture the essense of the call but not at the expense of the patient or their families.
Funny you should ask - I was just asked to do such a class for another local department. I am a professional videographer by trade for a local TV station, and have worked for national networks. I am also a Lieutenant and 7-year member of my local volunteer FD. I would be more than happy to discuss this with you further. Please email me at dgraham@newhamptonfd.com
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