Well i am a younger female and am fairly new to the fire service and i absoultly LOVE it!!! Everything it has to offer, love to learn and learn some more! I sure am a hands on learner though. Anyway, i work in a small small town fire dept and i am struggling to find any young firemen to hangout wit. Its hard always being around the older guys and my mom is kinda frustrated that all i do is hangout wit older men. I cant help it that there arent any young guys. Its hard and was just curious if you have any ideas or suggestions??

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on February 24, 2010 at 10:29am
Lots of young firefighters hang out on Facebook.
Perhaps you could create a group and attract some of them in your area to your group.
While you're working on that, don't forget to train hard and to eat your Wheaties.
Comment by Jeff Barnhart on February 23, 2010 at 2:39pm
Hello and Welcome! I can't personally help you in the young guy department as I am one of the middle aged FF/EMT's. However we do have a couple of younger male members on the department here at Lewisburg. Maybe you will have the opportunity to meet some of them in the future. Stay safe!
Comment by Hope Moore on February 23, 2010 at 6:28am
Thanks! I would agree on the knowledge thing and yea there are other depts and its all the same though...older men. I am going back to school for my level 2 and am hoping to meet other ppl my age, so ill let you know! Thanks again!!
Comment by Paul on February 23, 2010 at 6:16am
lets see, are there any other depts in your neighboring community that might have volies and how about the next fire academy. I'm sure you will find other brothers and sisters that are in your age group. You might also tell mom that hanging around older brothers is a plus as they are full of knowledge that will enhance your career!!! Good Luck and be Safe!!!

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