EMT Who Fought With Oklahoma Trooper Wants Officer to Lose Badge

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Comment by Darian Stevens on June 18, 2009 at 3:37pm
So we all have to accept the BS that goes on in the country? Basically thats what Frederick Georges is saying...I think its bullshit and the trooper needs to loose his job and be unemployed....Who gives a rat's ass bout his family and what happens...He should have thought bout what he was going to do before he did it......Maybe that will fix his Oh so large "I'm a trooper ego.....Come off the freakin PTSD bullshit!!! I have it! All of us have it....I served in Iraq 2006....Anyone in Emergency services has it to a point......There is just a point where and how people deal with it....Obvisouly the trooper has some temper issues and needs counseling but he probably barney badass and says there is nothing wrong with me and goes on with life....Til one a ambulance doesn't move off the road fast enough for the asshole with a badge and he starts shit....Oh but thats right we are supposed to turn a blind eye to this unexcusable behavior.....Frederick Georges get a clue on life....
Comment by anne potter on June 17, 2009 at 6:30pm
Fired no
Anger mangement classes

I do have one ques why if you have a pt in the back would you get out of your rig for something like that.. I don't think I would want to have been that pt..
So on the EMT's part wrong.....
Comment by Brian Dumser on June 17, 2009 at 4:37pm

As a military veteran myself I understand what Trooper Martin has gone through. That being said, perhaps I was a little too harsh in my previous statement. Maybe instead of being fired, he should undergo some type of counselling and anger management training. I'm just a tired of people making excuses for the man. I believe he should take responsibility for his actions!

Stay safe!

Comment by Brian Dumser on June 16, 2009 at 5:42pm
After seeing both the cell phone video and the dashcam video, I agree wholeheartedly with the EMT!

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