Hi Everyone,

I am one of the somewhat younger generation. I understand both parties. I know from experience that you want things the way they were before. I am always wishing that but, it always changes and you have to make yourself go with the flow. My department has rules against the use of cell phones during emergency calls. When one of my senior officer's tells me to do something I do question. I only question because I am one of those need to know the why and how of everything. To me it helps me learn. I don't question silly things like go take out the trash or it's your turn to do the dishes. My department has a wide range of generations and the youngest one's just need to be talked to differently. When I ask a young person do do something I get the why or do you want it done right now? I just explain tho them the reason beghind the request and I usually do not get anymore questions. Younger generations were raised differently. I am 28 but I was raised with a father that was wheel chair bound when I was 10 years old and I had 4 younger brothers and sister's and one older brother. I at that time learned to handle the whines and moans of handing out chores and to do lists and homework checks. Yes, I ahve heard all the excuses. I am glad that happened, for one reason is to be able to communicate the importance of just cleaning the dishes. If your younger generation asks why just answer the question and explain. For instance If you ask them to pack hose and they ask why just tell them " I have asked you to pack hose because, all our apparatus needs to be in service and if there is not the right amount on the Engine then we won't be able to do our job on scene, plus this gives you experience and helps build muscles:. I know that sounds silly but it truly works. Try it out and see for yourself. Guys we are in a world that demands answers and is full of "silly" questions. I am the mother of a 5 year old little girl and the questions never cease. I pray that each and everyone of you be safe and that God is with you at all times.


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