Please take our poll and let us know if today's public safety and emergency response departments are meeting the needs of its members following the death of one of their own.

When someone we love dies, family members, co-workers and friends are often at a loss as to how to cope with the devastating effects of grief. In the fire service and EMS communities, we honor those who have died with pomp and circumstance as it should be. But how do we cope emotionally during the days, weeks, and months that follow their death?

The Sweeney Alliance, a non-profit, offers bereavement education classes and resources for first responders, their families and the community at large through our Grieving Behind the Badge program.

Former firefighter and EMT-B with over twenty years experience as a mortician and bereavement educator, Peggy Sweeney combines her professional wisdom working with adults and teens who grieve with her own personal tragedies to present a unique, interactive and compassionate program.

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