Common sense . . . and a lil prepardness

Common sense goes a long way in our profession. From scene size up to not picking up a hot metal rod without a glove on, common sense goes a long way. I have been in the fire service for only 12 yrs. For 11 of those 12 i was in my own home town. 100% rural america in western New York state. We used common sense everyday and we prepard for winter storms, summer heat, and everything in btwn. Im a type that wants to be ready for as much as i can be ready for. Im not just talking fires car wrecks and ems, but for when the day comes that all hell breaks lose. How many others out there have a bag in their car, truck whatever that has some bare neccesities like extra clothes, some granola or energy bars, a good knife, etc. . . In light of the recent storms in the south, i think its time we count our blessing and start to think and prepare for what might happen in your neck of the woods. If anybody thinks im an end of the world freak your wrong, im a person that was taught a lil about self prepardness over the years and am still today. If anyone wants to talk about this simple common sense issue just speak. Stay safe everyone!

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