Hey all! Well I said I was going to get around to this so I better get started. I want to make a new Slide featuring SAR and Schtz dogs. I really don't want to surf around and just get random pics, I'd like to know a bit of a story about the dogs in the Slide if possible. Obviously I'd post the Slide here once I got it finished, a few days after I get enough pictures.
Is anybody willing to send me pics of any service dogs they know? I'm also willing to include therapy and disability assistance dogs. I would like to know the dog's name, city, and state. Maybe also what breed it is and what it does in case I can fit that in the captions. And of course I'm open to suggestions for a song to go along with it.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. Making Slides is just a little hobby of mine that I really enjoy, would be nice to make one you might be interested in seeing.
TTYS and SS everyone. :D

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Comment by Vieths on November 30, 2008 at 9:15pm
My K9 team has a couple of SAR dogs worthy of your project, and I could overwhelm you with photos. Check out the web site (http://www.illinoissearchdogs.org), and then pick "About Us", then pick "Our Team". I would suggest Gary's dog Neeva (medical retirement) or perhaps my dog ChicoDog (rescued off the street, now FEMA certified). ChicoDog's MySpace also has lots of photos: http://www.myspace.com/k9_chicodog.
Good Luck!
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on November 30, 2008 at 3:38am

Search dogs were used to find 2 little girls and their mother after being buried by a landslide in La Conchita, CA. The search dogs successfully found the mother holding her children. Unfortunately, they were found buried several feet under a mud flow.

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