Long before i was a member of the county department there was a conflict between the city and the county. It has been many years since this dispute I do not even know what it was about. It seems the city will not let this die, even though most of the members that were in the original dispute are no longer on the department. It seems that everytime we turn around someone is being a "tattletale". We can not even express an opionion without being bashed for it. I would so much like for this BS to go away, we are all firefighters and we should get along, are overall goal is to protect people,save lives, and protect property. I am afraid that if we ever have to work on a call together there will be some serious injuries because we won't look out for each other.THIS NEEDS TO END NOW.

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on October 27, 2009 at 12:08pm
You should not be concerned about your personal safety at the fire scene because someone has a difference of opinion or an outright dislike for you. It all changes when the tones drop. Really; they do.
I was on a department where we would literally get into fistfights at meetings. It's something that I am NOT proud of but it proves my point that, even though we would have our disagreements, no one and I mean no one would intentionally hold back or cause someone to get hurt at a fire. As crazy as it looks, we were brothers and brothers might fight, but you never LET your brother get hurt by someone or something else.
In the meantime, maybe someone should step up and fix what's wrong. Things will run better.
By the way, we no longer have fistfights. That all changed when I made chief and the riffs between other fire departments stopped as well.
Comment by Fred Cummings, Jr. on October 25, 2009 at 5:06pm
Does the conflict have to do with being a paid fulltime and or a call/volunteer?
Comment by greg on October 23, 2009 at 10:39pm
I have seen it in many defferent depts. Take a stance. Let it be known that you have concerns. More importantly if they are true safety concerns concerning fellow firefighters,then start going threw the ranks all the way to the top. If the brass turns a blind eye then it can only mean 2 things. They dont care about the safety of there firefighters or the dont have the guts to fix the problem. Any department that risks firefighters safety over grudges has serious issues and I would look to join another department, a department with officers who address safety issues head on before someone gets hurt or killed. I mean after all inst that what we are about protecting lives, ours, theres, and the publics!
Comment by Jason McDonald on October 23, 2009 at 8:39pm
When I moved to the Philippines I was accepted as a brother and welcomed unconditionally, then I visited about 20 different stations and I was welcomed at all of them and asked to join each station that I visited. I still go around and visit stations so I know who I am working with and to share the brotherhood.

Your county and city should be working together because we are a brotherhood and without the trust of brotherhood, safety will be an issue.

I wish you the very best in you situation.
Comment by Rusty Mancini on October 23, 2009 at 2:45pm
Sounds like the two Chiefs need to have a sit down to straighten out the Issues for both sides?

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