I was at my Ham Radio Club meeting on wednesday night and we had a speaker who gave us a half hour talk on this very important subject. I found to be very informative, as I did know about this service but did not know they were free and in this area Buffalo,NY. They are not related to Mercy Flight or Star Flight. Below I will tell you more about them and what they do.

Angel Flight NE is a non-profit organization that provides free flights in private aircraft by volunteer pilots, for children and adults needing to access medical treatment or for other compelling needs. Our Angels for Armed Forces program was established so that military personnel and our veterans may use this same service to access medical care.


Angel Flight is honored to serve those who sacrificed so much to serve us. Flights are available to anyone, active military members, veterans and their families, whose financial resources do not permit them to travel by commercial airlines to access diagnosos or medical treatment. They also accept requests from those who are unable to use public transportation because of their medical condition, or when public transportation would cause further physical or emotional hardship. Angel Flight can also help those who live in remote areas where public transportation is not available.

Patient/Passengers must be medically stable and ambulatory and able to board the aircraft with no or little assistance. Flights will be provided as often as necessary to meet the patient's medical needs. Emergency flights are reserved for persons who need to visit critically ill or injured family members, for patients needing organ transplants, or for organ donations.

Anywhere throughout the United States is where they fly. Through the membership in the Air Charity Network we can arrange flights through out the country. Angel Flight Northeast flies mostly in the eastern half of the country. They operate from small remote strips to large metropolitan airports.

To request a flight or for more information about Angel Flight and volunteer opportunities, or if you simply wish to make a tax-deductable donation, contact:

Angel Flight Northeast
Lawrence Municpal Airport
492 Sutton Street
North Andover, MA 01845

Headquarters: 978-794-6868
fax: 978-794-8779
E-mail: info@angelflightne.org

FLIGHT REQUESTS: 1-800-549-9980

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