Alot of fun has been taken out of the fire serive

You know I remember when it used to be something to say you was a firefighter, something to be proud of and today it still is but I think some fun has been taken out of it and the real meaning of what it is like to be in something so great and to be able to help your community in times of need and to really be proud of what you have... I am talking about it seems like some depts has gotten to macho meaning military like with all the physical requirements, yes I think you should be tested physical but not like how some depts go out of the way to do it.... You can be in top physical condition and still come down with health problems or have a heart attack.... There was a time you could go get the training requirements meet that a dept needed and that was the end of it you was on the dept... Just because you can do a 100 yard dash lift 600 lbs does not make you a firefighter any less to anyone who cant do that, it is about team work not a one man macho show.. I think alot of the younger generation coming into the fire service has forgotten alot of the simple things.. Yes I have seen people who should not be in it but I have also seen folks that have gotten turned away that would have made one hell of a firefighter!!!! The fire service may have been kinda established on the military background but its far from being in the military, we dont carry guns.... I am just saying dont get too strict to the point where it is no fun to help others and to take the real meaning out of what the fire service should be all about and that is HELPING PEOPLE IN THE TIME OF NEED....

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Comment by lutan1 on June 8, 2011 at 9:11pm
My brain hurts trying to read all that....

I am just saying dont get too strict to the point where it is no fun to help others and to take the real meaning out of what the fire service should be all about and that is HELPING PEOPLE IN THE TIME OF NEED....
But you can't help them if you can't physically and mentally do the job.

Also, consider choosing your words a bit better- I forget how much fun it is to try and save someone's life, or recover a deceased person(s), or to console a loved one as they watch a member of their family slip away...
Comment by WestPhilly on June 6, 2011 at 4:35pm
The physical testing for appointment to a fire department should be intense and demanding. (I heard a rumor that firegrounds are sometimes physically intense and demanding.)
Comment by Terje R Henriksen on June 6, 2011 at 8:52am
Agree, a lot of people are turned down cause they cant meet the requirments, but it doesnt help if you are strong and fast if you dont have your head screwd on right. Firemen are in need of creativity and fast thinking, but also a reasonable phsyical frame.
It should depend more on the person rather than how many push ups or hang ups you van do!

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