Hello to everyone,

I am a new member here and I am just stating to gain new friends. I just wanted to post a blog about me so everyone gets to know me and where I am coming from. I hope it helps you all to get where I am in my life.

My name is Matt Jankowski and I am 26 years old from Baldwin, Pa, and currently living in Carrick, Pa. I have one son, Deakyn, who is 10 months old and 3 step children, Ty 11, Shayne 8, and Jadyn who is 3. I love all of them equally as if they were my own. I am engeged to a terrific wifey to be who I love with all I have. I am the oldest of 5, its, me, Danielle, Mikey, and the twins Gary and Ryan. My family now lives in Charleroi do to some family problems in the past. My brother mikey was recently paralyzed from a disorder we never even knew he had called Calvernious Malformation of the spine. A blood clot formed to a tumor putting pessure on the spine causing him to one day become paralyzed at 17. My family really isn't pushing him instead they are babying him out of guilt so its a struggle and my family has not been the same.
My baby has a rare disorder called Infantile Spasms. It's a form of seizures that come in clusters called spasms. They are very frequent and can last anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes. Because of this ha is 4 months delayed so far and it could become worse if they do not stop. He was just weened off of his injections called ACTH. Now he takes 30 mgs of Topomax twice a day to help control them. It's a struggle and I hate seeing my boy go through this. Every milestone he reaches is a celebration. You have to look up the condition to see the seriousness of it because its to complicated to explain. We have a site for him, it's under www.chp.org or .com, under Children's Hospital of Pgh. You have to go to find a patient the go to care pages. His is HopeForBabyDeakyn, so check it out if interested.

Other than that, I love being a Firefighter, just took my city exam. Hoping to get a job for the city. I wouldn't give up volunteering, it's totally different when you volunteer. I want to get my Lt. rank back over the next year or two. I just came off of probation with the new company I am in. I love the Steelers, who doesn't!! LOL I love playing football, and baseball, and golf. I can throw back a drink or two in my free time. Usually hang out at our Fireman's bar The Backdraft, how original right? The just re did the inside to look like a firehouse, it's sweet. Well, I am glad to have shared myself with everyone and hope to get more friends. Take care fellow friends and Firefighters!

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Comment by Dustin on December 28, 2008 at 3:56am
Welcome enjoy the nation.
Comment by Justin Buck on December 26, 2008 at 8:53pm
welcome to the nation. take care and stay safe.

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