i sat with my wife last night and watched a documentary called "102 minutes that changed america". it used real life footage captured by ordinary people on the day the twin towers was struck. I can still remember to this day what I was doing and like so many dont think will ever forget because that day is etched into our memories so stay forever.I felt a great sadness then before i joined the service but its now more poignant since ive joined because of the brotherood that surrounds us every day, from one corner of the world to the next firefighters will always have one common purpose,to help someone when their needed most without question because this is the choice we have taken to be there when we're called upon. I was in the U S two years ago just before I went into active service for an anniversary, even though I was in Florida in disney world with my family for a brief moment in time everything came to a complete stop so everyone could remember that day and the 343 who tragically fell,along with many so many others it made me realise the choice I had made to join the fire service was one I would never regret due to the respect and admiration to the men and women of the FDNY for that day when the whole world united to pay respect of what was such a black day in history that not only America was changed it changed the world.As the saying goes life goes on, and so it must but on Friday September 11th 2009 the world will once again stand together united as one to remember the fallen from the World Trade Center and say in ome voice YOU WILL NOT WIN! to terrorists from one side of the globe to the next. At 10:15 am US time I will stand for one minutes silence whether or with family knowing that all over the world I am now part of a bigger family The Fire Serive, a family who's resolve can never be broken. so to the 343 your sacrifice was not in vain you united the world for one common goal A Better Place To Live.with sadness in my heart on Friday we once again say GOODBYE! to all others saty seafe,stay strong and NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!

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Comment by kevin on September 10, 2009 at 6:26pm
it was a tradegy when we lost 343 brothers as well as all the innocent ppl that day
Comment by Chris Lakusta on September 10, 2009 at 2:22pm
Amen, i will never ever forget that day till the day i die. Why did this have to happen? but God bless to the United States and everyone that i have forgotten about. i hope this does not happen ever again.
Stay Safe
your Canadian friend
Comment by Kendra Eastwood on September 10, 2009 at 1:36pm
Amen! I will never forget the 343 firefighter family members we lost that horrible day. Nor will our nation forget the loses we suffered that day. God Bless everyone and the family members of those lost that tragic day in our Nation's history.

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