

I see ghosts around every corner

Every time we go for a ride

No matter how I try to keep them away

I can never seem to hide


Hide myself from their ghastly grip

In attempts to keep myself sane

For reliving each terrible memory

Will only cause more pain


It’s always the images of the dead I see

And never of those we’ve saved

It seems they’re bored and restless

Just lying in their graves


They come out all together sometimes

When I’m feeling most depressed

And haunt my visions and my dreams

Thus preventing much-needed rest


That vacant lot used to house

A mother and her five babes

One fiery night not long ago

We were unable to come to their aid


Another turn, and down the street

Stands a tree with a mark on its side

One helpless night a few years back

I watched as a young girl died


Driving further from my station, away from here

Doesn’t keep the ghosts away

It only reminds me of other horrors

Of a slightly more distant day


I’ve served in this city for twenty-five years

So there are ghosts all over town

I can never predict when they’ll rear their heads

And begin to drag me down


I know in my heart I did all I could

To save them from their fates

But I can’t seem to shake their eternal screams

And wonder what next awaits




. Copyright 2006 - Tom Kenney

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Comment by Firefighters wife on August 19, 2007 at 5:11pm
Awesome!!! I'm sure every fire fighter/first Responder/EMS. feel that same way,one time or another. But they are unable to put it to words as well as you did.

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