


It’s funny how people remember us

From that fateful day

As the heroes who climbed the towers

Passing workers on the way



They see the footage of us in the lobby

Preparing for the haul

The look on our faces, they say

Surely says it all



“They knew they were going to die“,

They tell each other

“You can see it in their eyes as they

Greet a fellow brother”



They fail to realize it’s not uncommon

For us to show our fear

But we never allow the fear to stop us

We just keep each other near



We may be proud, we may be brave

But suicidal, we’re not

We take many risks to do our jobs

Giving all we’ve got



They think we know it’s a death sentence

As we enter the lobby door

Unaware that not a man here among us

Had not been here before



As we walk through the valley of death again

That old familiar place

We can’t accept that we’ll leave our souls

And feel death’s cold embrace



If we had known we would never come out

We’d have never gone in

Fearing and knowing are two different things

So we hold our doubts within



As we climbed up the stairs floor by floor

Searching zone by zone

It was saving lives that was on our minds

Not giving up our own



The Angel of Death is our frequent companion

A feared and lethal foe

But when he’s here for one of our own

How are we to know



We’re trained to push things to the limit

On each and every call

We’re well aware that lives are on the line

And we may sacrifice all



We live with this throughout our careers

Through every single shift

It hangs in the air like a shroud of fog

Which we can never set adrift



Some think it’s merely words when we say

We risk our lives for you

But we take this fact into account

In everything we do



That day in September in 2001

Was no different in our eyes

We could not have known what devastation

Was raining from the skies



We look down from above as our brothers

Desperately search “the pile”

They have no idea that we’re finally at rest

They’re still in denial



Our bravery that day seemed beyond belief

In the eyes of humanity

But the fact is we’ve faced our mortality before

Though you may question our sanity



We were merely men doing the job we loved

Down to our last breaths

We remain merely men in the scheme of it all

Even after our deaths



Copyright 2007 - Tom Kenney

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