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Comment by Tim on July 7, 2008 at 4:35pm
My sister sent me this about a week ago. I hear what this guy is saying but I have a question for you guys. Do you know where crude oil comes from? It comes from fossilized organic matter from the last ice age. There is only so much of this stuff in the ground. In other words it is a definite FINITE resource. We will run out. I don't care if it is 10 years from now or 200, we will run out. My question is why spend more energy chasing after a dead horse (so to speak) instead of finding an alternative source of energy that is more sustainable? Japan has not only developed and tested hydrogen vehicles, they are putting them on the market and have been selling them for about a month now. Why is it we are still living in the 20th century with this? Think about it. Is the oil industry that important to us that we can't turn the page here? One last point: What would be the environmental impact of tripling the drilling operations in the Arctic circle? You can't possibly think that there would be no ramifications. By the way, right now I am having trouble logging on to this site so my profile might be in "limbo" until the bug is resolved. I would love to continue this discussion with anyone who would care to reply to this statement if and when I get this log on problem resolved. Try to access my page and drop a note or reply on this thread and I will do my best to get back to you. Stay safe people.

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