Well I really wish I knew exactly what to put here,,,,,There is so much that I could say but we all know,,,Hippa,Hippa,Hippa,,,,,,,,,,lol... How ever there are times that I love my Job and then there are times I hate it,,,,,,


  1. 1.I love my job when that one individual holds my hand with tears in there eyes and they say's"thank god you were here."
  2. I love my job when I see that little baby takes it first breath,and you know you just brought a little person into this world.
  3. I love my job when I feel like Moses, and I drive down the street with my lights and sirens going and the cars in front of me just split right open like a wave...lol
  4. I love my job when we go to the elementary schools and those little eyes, look all bright and shiny,because they love to see the trucks and lights!
  5. I love my job when you show up to the elderly housing and you are just there because poor gram ma can't get up and she just needs your help!!


  1. I hate my job when that call comes in for Billy Bob Joe decided at 3 in the morning his big toe hurts and he needs to go to the hospital.
  2. I hate my job when I have to hold a persons hand and explain to them that we cannot bring there family member back.
  3. I hate my job when you have to tell the parent of a child you should have been in the back seat when they got into an accident and there child went through the windshield"and let me tell you,,I would love to strangle and scream at them when this happens but instead you have to be non judgmental at this time."
  4. I hate my job when I am enjoying the holidays with my family and I have to run out the door for some dip-sh---t who decided that the holidays was the time they decided that the money they got would be great to by drugs and over dose on it,,,you all know how that one feels right????
  5. And last but most important,,and I am sure you all have thought of this one,,,,,When the fear inside of us all when that call comes in,and we have been told,that we are under attack with a chemical warfare and we are all being brought to the hot zone,and we all know that there are a series of shots that we can give are selfs to keep us alive long enough to help those that are injured,,,which we have all pledged to help those in need,,,but when you look back at your children and your spouse,and you know that by the time you hopefully get home they may be gone hits me right in the pit of my stomach..But I know that I have pledged and always will,,,,


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