hello everyone,

for anyone that acutally reads this, i have had a lot going on the past few months, one of my depts i am in is started a TRT team and we hope that gets off on the right track, i am an instructor now which is aweosme but at the same time it is actually kind of stressful. I am in the process of getting divorced but i am happy now and that is the most inportant thing. i am thinking of moving up to ny and going to nyu for my bachelors in nursing and work as a paramedic over there, and also am going to go through with medical school. i love firefighing but the pay can be a lil crappy and i have my daughter to take care of! but no matter what i will always be a volunteer! this july is going to be a busy one actually getting my rope rescue tech and taking advanced municipal firefighting operations and in august im going to fl and ny and getting my hazmat tech done along with my nfpa 1041 fire intructor 2 and later that month i am going to be taking 24 college credit hours! so god help me lol! my daughter turns two next month and were gonna have it at the fire dept, with like hot dogs n stuff and have the fire engine out and everything and i am very excited. life seems to have me very busy but i am trying to keep up! did i forget to mention i am also doing trench rescue in august and swift water in sept, and i have to take my four levels of structual collapse tech next yr before i move and try to finish all my stuff with college. can u say possible burnout? lol! im a very strong person so i know i can handle it. im on two depts right now and they both keep me busy but i love the guys on both of them and there both awesome crews! anyways thanks for reading this!


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Comment by joseph connelly on July 26, 2008 at 4:07pm
It really sounds like you are a real busy person. I have a 4 year old son and I know how hard it is to keep up with things. I just heard of some new scholarships around the medical field.Would this info help you out any?
Comment by Lester Pearsall on June 25, 2008 at 5:14pm
And your going to sleep when???? I thought I had a busy life. Just be sure to keep your priorities straight.
Comment by Christopher Smith on June 23, 2008 at 10:31pm
Hello Sara,
Sounds like you've set your priorities and are going for what you want in life! Thankfully you are young and have the stamina to handle the course load and the stress of going through a divorce all at the same time. May you find peace in yourself, and find the time to take for yourself, because that is important too!!!
Be careful and stay safe out there. I'll keep you in my prayers as well.
Comment by chad on June 23, 2008 at 9:03pm
Keep up the good work. Your a great mom and friend.
Comment by lutan1 on June 23, 2008 at 2:11am
good luck! sounds like quite a workload....

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