I know I'll catch alot of flack for this my first blog, but, here it goes. I think the courts, should look into putting the less offenders into the fire service .take and give them some guidence, training, i know the really bad ones can't be alone, and if they have a bad record even after 18 their records aren't esponged at least in PA, but, even if they can do community service such as cleaning the hall , washing the equipment, doing the odd ball jobs, maybe they can talk to some of their peirs and see there is other ways of life then being bad, I'm not sure what the answer is but, i think some how someway if you took six kids, even if you got one to join and see his or her ways this is one more for the good guys the white hats

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Comment by Mick Mayers on September 15, 2007 at 8:17pm
I think you are on track there, so I don't think you'll catch as much flack as you think. Some of the problems there, however, go deeper. You could possibly expose them to a life of service that shows them it can actually be cool to contribute to society rather than tear it down, but there's the whole discussion of recidivism and what the percentages actually are for "conversion" of those attitudes.

If anything, maybe they would show some interest after washing trucks, etc. but given that we used offenders who were given community service to do the scut work and they did nice things like stole a cop car, smuggled drugs back to other offenders, etc., so the program ended.

I think what you are proposing might be better targeted toward "at-risk" kids who are leaning in the direction of being bad, rather than those who have already made the jump.

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