Well this is the first time I've done a Blog so here I go. I've been working in Fire/Rescue for about a year now. I'm working on getting on getting my fire certs through my fire department later this year. I'm wanting to get hired on full time or at least part time by the end of the year or by the begining of next year. Here's hoping. Dom speero sparow (As Long As I Breath I Hope) I guess.
I just turned 26 and WOW I thought I would be further along in my career than I am now. I'm just getting started in getting things going (I got my EMT-B back in June 2007). Some times you wish that you could go back and stop yourself from screwing off insted of getting stuff done but life goes on.
If we were able to do that we would not learn from our experiances and become whom we are now. It's those life lessons that we have that help us to become better and to possibly help others with our experiances. My father always told me "A wise man learns from his mistakes; a wiser man learns from others mistakes." So to anyone wanting to learn from my mistake here is this bit of info. Don't put off your education. You will be so much further ahead.
Anyway we (the firefighters from my department.) are working on raising money for a new fire station. Our station was built sortly after WW2. The ceiling in our kitchen is falling in and the ceiling in our engine bay is weak if you stand on it you may fall through. We did a breakfast the other day and raised $550 a drop in the bucket but we are $550 closer than we were before. The city is putting a tax increase for a new station to vote in November. From what we here at the city council meetings is that the community supports us wholeheartedly. We are so excited. We are going to be doing a BBQ at Terrace Days (Founders Day for Washington Terrace) to help raise money. If anyone is close to the Ogden area can come please help support us. Its on June 14 at Rhomer Park.
Thats it don't have much more for now but I will keep you updated on my activities and the station. I will be posting some video and pics about a recent structure fire we had so check back soon.

Merrell Heaton
All gave some some gave all.
In rememberace of those who have fallen.

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