Sorry that I have not been around in a long time. I have found out some news about my health which has put my life at a stand still. Early this month I found out that I have to have back surgery. They are going to fuse two of my vertabrate together. When I found all this out, I have been trying to get all my affairs in order. Like making sure my kids will be taken care of. My house is cleaned, yea I know :). Partying as much as I can. The doc says after the surgery it will be at least 3 months before I can do anything and up to 6 months full recovery. Not looking forwards to any of this. I have already been up and down in bed cause of the pain, I am going to have a hard time trying to stay put for three months! Not that I have anything else to do. I had to quit my EMT class because I could not participate anymore due to all the pain. I had to put in a requst for a medical leave from my squad. I have had to put my life on hold now because of all this. And it sucks! I finally found the life I have wanted and now it is gone. I have worked so hard and put up with so much bs and now I am right back to where I was a year ago. I am hoping that things will work out after the surgery and I can get 2009 started on the right foot. As for this year, I am going to have one more BIG party and then work at getting better after this is all said and done. I want to thank you all that have helped me through most of my EMT class with all your advise and everything! It was all very helpful. I hope that you will be able to keep giving me advise when I start it all over again. Did I mention that I only had a month and a half to go??? Just thought I would put that disappointment in too. I don't know why, but I guess it all just adds to this whole thing really sucking. Well am going to go and pick up my kids and take them fishing. Thanks again!!

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Comment by lutan1 on May 17, 2008 at 7:00am
Good luck Susan!!!!

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