On 9-11-2001 I was still living in Portland, OR working in a small office with no idea I would someday be a part of the fire service.

When this happened I was still working 12-5 so that morning as usual I was vegging on cartoons or animal planet. My husband the truck driver was in the San Fran Bay area.

He called me just before the 2nd plane hit. I had no idea what was going on. He had me turn on the news and as I was watching the coverage of the first tower...the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower right before my eyes.

I was totally stunned and none to thrilled that Allen was in a very populated region with a major landmark and not at home with me. By the time I headed to work the other 2 planes had hit.

The one that the passengers took down in PA was about 40 miles from where my bosses son was serving on his LDS Mission.

Work that day was a bust since all the companies we dealt with were in the East and all had been closed for the day.

It was all very surreal...it took several days of watching the coverage for it to sink in. The news coverage was like watching a big budget disaster movie...the level of tragedy was too great to be real...it couldn't be real.

I have nothing but sympathy for those that lost someone in the events of that day. And even more for the families and friends of the Firefighters that gave their lives that day.

:( :(

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