You live inside my mind and evrytime i close my eyes and i see your precious face staring back at me; lacing me in eternity with you. You pace inside my heart keeping me alive, helping me survive. You're simply what makes my beat, the very thing that makes me go weak. It's 3 am and i can only think of you. Memories churn, turning our souls forever whole; and just being in your arms it seems there's nothing in this world that i couldn't do. You trivkle inside my every thoughtseeping into what makes me, me. Sometimes i can't even go a moment without thinking a single thought that's completely mine. You crawl inside my soul, you sit beneath the pain, the tears that try to grab hold of me. it's 3 am and i can only think of you. Sitting in your arms hust hours before, i can still feel your warmth, feel your arms around me. Holding me deep into the night. Everyday i'll love you more, give you all i have, sacrifice my life to keep things right. Evryday i tell you how much you mean to me, wipe away your tears, kiss your cheek, tuck you into bed; letting you know you're the best thing in my life, and i wounldn't mind one day becoming your wife... But most of all everyday, i just want to give you more.

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Comment by scooter69 on May 2, 2008 at 12:11am
so true, i feel what you mean, definateky have been there

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