Into the bowels of Hell,these brave ones go

To save the lives of those they do not know

Guided by training & Camaraderie while overcoming fear

They dare to go with only Guardian Angels near

Through the smoke and heat and gasses too

They fight their fears when looking for you

A life to save is their primary task

Think of them with kindness is all they ask

The Cross of Malta is their chosen crest

Love of another is the required test

First to respond when all spells gloom

They won't quit though it could be their own doom

These Fire Fighters have seen so much

Burned and broken bodies, death, destruction and such

They go back for more each and every day

Because it's the lives they save that makes them stay

All for one and one for all

You go - I go that is their call

And in their quest, when some do fall

The rest stand strong - still giving their all

The loss of a family member does take it's toll

Cuts to the quick, down deep in your soul

Heroes forever, when they die

And that is when "BRAVE MEN CRY"

Thomas L Hart, Chaplain

Cut-N-Shoot Volunteer Fire Department

Retired Detroit Fire Fighter (Duty Disability)

June 20th 2007

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