Just thought I would let you know how life is going!

I know that most of you know I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 06 and that I fought the battle and won! I am now on to the next phase of the surgeries they have done. I am getting the reconstruction part of it done now! I was told that they wanted to take muscle from my back and it would be an eight hour surgery, talk about scared eight hours under. The Plastic surgeon I went to felt my chest wall and was excited to tell me that my surgery would be cut down to three and a half hours instead of eight because what he could feel was that my muscle tone was good. He asked me alot of questions as to how I kept it so healthy, like I know I just lived that is all, kept doing what I needed to do like laundry, cutting and stacking wood, lifting my children when they needed some love, I don't know how I kept the chest muscle in shape just happened. They did the surgery they went in and lifted the muscle off the chest and placed an expander under it the left side did have a little bit of damage done to it from the radiation but not bad enough that we could not continue going the way we did. I was home the next day with two drain tubes in me had them for one week which was awesome, cause any longer I would of went super crazy they are the most uncomfortable things and you tend to worry about catching a tube on whatever and pulling it out. I have been in once to get a fill ( I really do feel like a gas tank) They had already had 160cc of saline in and when I got filled they added 60cc to each side. I was thinking to myself that this is gonna hurt something fierce and guess what all I did was get myself worked up for nothing. The fill is intresting I lay down and he takes a magnet of some sort and finds the end to insert the needle and then the take a huge ass syringe and put in the saline, It doesn't hurt cause they numb the skin and muscle, I did feel the expanders grow though and that was just the wierdest feeling ever, kind of like having a sprain and you feel the skin stretch because of the pressure but only this doesn't hurt. I honestly feel like I am going through my teenage years all over again just with out the hormones. I am busy doing my schooling and seeing doc every week for a fill and my kids are keeping me busy and of course we are trying to get ready for our party in June hope to see ya there.

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