Call it a pet peeve but why is doing the right thing at the right time so hard for so many, especially the "Old Guys". That being said I have been in the fire service since I was 18. So yes folks at the ripe "old" age of 37 I have 19 years on the job. I have continued to adapt when needed. Refemember no Nomex hoods? I wear it all the time. SCBA was for interior attacks only. Bullshit, SCBA should be worn on every fire, i.e. structure, vehicle, dumpster anything except maybe a brush fire, even then at times would be beneficial.

I intend to retire and still be able to breath, Folks let's get wiser. Your department and the citizen spend good money to protect you. Where the damn gear given to you. When you see someone doing something stupid call them out on it. Refuse to move the truck unless they belt up. Officers make them wear the gear.

Enough of my soapbox. Stay safe my Brother and Sisters.

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Comment by Donnie Bathje on January 6, 2008 at 12:03am
Thanks are right...Back to the Basics.....Here is one....Take the thermal imager away and ask them to do a search........Get rid of the Pulse Ox and Glucometer and have them assess. Are they hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic?????????? Stay safe
Comment by Vic on September 11, 2007 at 3:32pm
AMEN Brother. Well said, now if we can only get that through some peoples heads. Be SAFE my BROTHER. Later Vic AKA FF-PM 1211

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