My friends it has been a great day. i had spent the weekend in Fort bragg north carolina doing training, and when i got home i had recieved news i have been waiting ten long years to hear. the man responsible for the attacks on 9.11.01, Osama Bin Laden, is dead. the man responsible for over 3000 lives lost. the man responsible for the loss of so many of my friends and family. the man that gave me the courage to stand up and do what is right, give up my every day life to become a soldier in the worlds greatest military. the joy it brought to me was great, not because he is dead, but because i have my closure. Lt. Brian Ahearn, Timmy and Tommy Haskell, 3  of the 343, good friends and great men. they can rest in peace now. I can let go of the past and the feelings of such hatred I carried for so long. the citizens of NY can rest easy. and again, for the first time in 10 years, americans came together. not in mourning, not in anger, but in celebration. celebration to an end of a mans evil. god bless america, god bless our foreign friends, and god bless my brothers and sisters in arms, who even now still watch over us, ever ready to answer the call of duty. We will not tire, We will not falter, We will not fail.

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