
My name Is Chris and I am with the Town Of Vernon Fire Dept. I Just wanted to say hi to everybody. I've been on the site for about a week and figured it was time, lol. A Little about myself, I've been with my Dept for just Over a year. We run an average of 1000 fire/rescue calls a year and the ambulance runs about 3000. We operate out of 6 stations with 7 engines 2 towers 2 heavy rescues and 2 ambulances. We also have a mobile decon unit, air truck, and command post. We are one of (if not the largest) volunteer Dept in Ct. I am FFI and Emt B for right now and i am trying to get into FFII and Hazmat. I Love this Site and am so glad to be able to talk to my brothers and sisters about the job. ( I Think my friends and Family are sick of hearing me). Stay safe out there.

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