The other night we had a call for possible structure fire in our district.Well usually when we have a fire other districts show up for tanker support and what not. after about 30 minutes if hunting for an access to this fire we found a man burning trash in a sinkhole. I don't know about you all out there but I am sick of these B.S. runs that waste our time and resources because the public is too lazy to call in a controlled burn! How many others have to put up with this on a daily basis like us?

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Comment by Engine 32 Capt. on April 6, 2008 at 11:45pm
There's no such thing as a BS run. If it's important enough for someone to call, then it's important enough to respond. Remember...It's those people out there calling that keep you in business...Stay safe out there.
Comment by Samantha Morgan on August 31, 2007 at 5:07pm
I agree but with fuel being at a high cost and sometimes manpower another here, it does really get to us sometimes.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on August 30, 2007 at 3:33pm
Personally, I'm glad when we get these kind of calls: no fire, nobody's property being destroyed or pets lost, no dirty hose to roll or clean or re-pack, and we all go back home to what we were doing. And credit for a response. Assuming that everyone gets there and back home safely.

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