My room is all black and filling with smoke,
I can hardly breathe, I am beginning to choke!
You can't give up, you have got to hang on,
We are on our way, Please, stay on the phone!

Our Engine Company is coming, as fast as they can,
We got our bunker gear on, and s.c.b.a.'s in our hand!
My breaths are becoming shallow and labored at the least,
Give us seven more minutes to arrive and slay the Beast.

My room is getting hotter, things are starting to melt,
We are at your door, tightening our s.c.b.a.'s belts!
There are three on the roof for ventilation is being made,
Our trucks are in position, and the hose has been laid!

The door is forced open, we are now in the hall,
Three are doing the attack as we search out your call.
For the Dragon is dying, surely, but slow,
we have finally reached you, hurry, for we must go!

Something is wrong, things are really getting bad,
The attackers have retreated, and the I.C. is mad!
I can hear the Dragon's laughter, a flaming boisterous roar,
Something has collapsed, for it's knocked me to the floor!

"Get the child out, don't worry about me,
I'll struggle and fight, I will get free!"
As my partner and the child exit through the door,
I hear my bell ring, I've got five minutes, and no more!

I've kicked, struggled, and tossed all about,
My bell has quit ringing, for my air is all out!
Oh God, it's hot, I'm not gonna make it,
But I knew the risk, and was willing to take it!

I'll say a small prayer with this last fleeting breath,
Oh, dear God, this is a horrible death!
I can hear my partners trying, they can't make it though,
This will be my last fire, I know it's true.

The child is O.K., They say she will be fine,
Everyone is upset, for they could not reach me in time!
Some will call me a hero, but I say no way,
This is the ultimate risk, we firemen take each day!

We know our job, might carry a server cost,
But if we did not respond, just think of the great loss.
Some will succeed, yet some will even fall,
But all will give some, and some will give all.

I can hear "Taps" playing, on the Bugle so clear,
I can see my Engine Company with eyes full of tears!
My risk was unselfish, for it came from the heart,
To my fellow firemen, I will always be a part!

If given the chance to do it all over again,
I would not hesitate one minute, to re-enter in!
The dragon has lost, for he surely hasn't won,
For, my name, will go down as...


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Comment by Matthew Wright on April 10, 2008 at 1:27pm
sad but it happens to the best. god bless all.
Comment by Zach Powell on April 9, 2008 at 12:45am
my prayers go to my next door neighbors in colrain township god bless brothers and sisters

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