Professional Development for Fire Officers

Note: Open to anyone wishing to attend

Cost: $0.00

Link: Click here to attend

Bill will be delivering his real-world focus on what a new or acting officer must know to successfully communicate with their crews, supervisors, and our business community. Bill will cover personal accountability - with real world examples that have made a difference. Bill will cover a collaborative learning and communication model that everyone will relate to. Finally, Bill will close with the one question that every new officer faces, and most don't see it coming! Please tune in to learn with Bill as he presents to the FRFC officers and officer candidates on April 7, 11:00 - 12:00, Mountain time.

About Bill..
Bill is a captainwith Poudre Fire Authority, and is currently assigned to Engine 3. Bill has recently served as a training captain for Poudre Fire and has brought many changes to the PFA's learning culture. Bill is the coordinator of fire training for the International Emergency Services Fund (IESF) for Cozumel. Bill has a Bachelor of Science degree from Regis University and a Master of Education degree from Jones International University. Bill is currently authoring a book about collaborative learning and is a lead consultant with Bill Salmon Learning Associates, LLC.

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