Firefighter Braves Flames To Save Father, Son
PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― A firefighter is recovering after he rushed into a burning home in the Frankford section of Philadelphia in order to rescue a father and his young son.

The fire on the 4700 block of Worth Street started on the kitchen stove after something that was cooking caught fire officials said. The flames spread quickly throughout the home, trapping a 3-year-old boy and his 43-year-old father inside.

Philadelphia fireman James Babst, 41, was on his way to work around 4:45 p.m. Sunday when he passed the burning home. He stopped his truck and joined neighbors, who were breaking windows of the home.

When he learned there were people inside the residence, neighbors said Babst quickly jumped into action.

"The fireman pulled up and went right in with no gear, no nothing," one eyewitness said. Click this LINK for a good video.

Jimmy Babst is a personal friend of mine. He has been a hero in my book long before what he did today. He is a Marine Reservist who has served in Iraq. Along with that he puts on his uniform every time he goes to the Firehouse and does the job the way it's meant to be done.

There is not a doubt in my mind that he didn't hesitate for one second when he saw that house on fire. Not a second. He went in there to save someone's life. That means something to us at at time when the rest of the world views life so cheaply. I'm really glad that he's going to be alright. Knowing that he was so close to the edge is a little unnerving so I'll have to give him some sh*t as soon as I see him.

Great job Jimmy. Get well soon.

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