"The fearless are merely fearless. People who act in spite of their fear are truly brave." - James A. LaFond-Lewis

Never forget who you truely are. Know your own limitations and embrace your strengths. Each person contributes to the best of their ability, each in a different way. The whole is only a sum of its parts. Allow your weakesses to enhance your strengths and allow your strengths to suppress your weaknesses. This is how we get to where we need to be, as a fire company, as a crew member, as an individual. Grow in the knowledge that what you do today will build what you will be tomorrow. Each and every contributing member is just as important as the next. Never think that what you do in the firehouse is unimportant.


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Comment by Lawrence W on August 3, 2007 at 4:54pm
Bravery is not entirely about doing things that others refuse to do. There is a very fine line between Bravery and Stupidity. There are things that the large number of people will not due because it is unnecessarily dangerous or asking for trouble. But, on the other hand, there are those things that are of personal issue, that produce fear in the individual, that can reduce someone to tears. Each of us has our own fears. There is nothing wrong with having fears, rational or not. Bravery comes from within the individual and can only be judged by the individual. As I have said before, we all contribute in our own way. For some of us it is easy to put on our gear and go right into a fire to effect the extinguishment. to the lay person, that is bravery, but to us its a job - or is it? Does the fear of injury stop you from getting on the apparatus? Does the fear of public opinion stop you from addressing the press? Do you fear speaking in public? Or do you fear the dark? Do you allow any of your fears stop you from doing what you want to do? That is where your Brave side comes in. Face that challenge, give your speech, or find what is lost in the dark. When you overcome your fears, reach new heights, conquer new challenges, you are displaying your Bravery each and every time. Not for the public, the firehouse or your loved ones, but for yourself.

Find the Bravery within yourself and feel good about what you can accomplish!


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